This is an instant digital download . This canva template is easy to use and edit in Canva
DIGITAL Blog/Newsletter Template
- 2 Canva editable 8 x 10 letter size templates
- 2 Canva editable 1080px x 1800 px (phone size) templates
- 1 pdf with instuructions and link
- Hi resolution
- Editable Text
This template is 100% customizable in the FREE version of Canva.
Once your payment has completed, you will be notified via email and directed to the downloads page or you can find it in your orders and purchases folder. You will get and a pdf containing directions and link.
Due to the fact that these are digital products, no refunds will be issued.
Custom orders can be requested for an
Real Estate Newsletter
Customization is available for an extra fee. Please contact us at